Super Racing Turbo (RT) Chassis
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The Super Racing Turbo (SRT) chassis designed in 2000-2001 and was released in ~2002. This was a revised version of the Racing Turbo (RT) chassis and was designed to replace the SG+ chassis that was having breakage issues. The chassis traction magnets were Neodymium. The magnets were smaller but more powerful. Like the RT chassis, two main versions were released, a short version (wheelbase 1.5"/38.1 mm) for the GT, stock and other cars and a long version (wheelbase 1.625"/47.4 mm) for the formula cars. In addition, the short version had tabs molded into the chassis that the bodies clipped on while the long version had slots in the chassis the tabs on the formula bodies to fit into. Both versions had a 7 tooth pinion and a 25 tooth crown gear. SRT chassis have a "GII" stamped under the front axle.

Long. AFX Racemasters stock # 9888n. Release Date: ~2002. Chassis material: ABS plastic. Traction Magnets: Neodymium. Wheelbase is 1.625" (47.4 mm). This chassis was an improved version of the “racing turbo (RT)” chassis and is referred to as the narrow or formula body chassis. This chassis was designed for the formula cars and includes slots to accept the tabs built into the formula car bodies. The presence or absence of these tabs is the difference between the wide and narrow chassis. The SRT chassis was based on the RT chassis but had a Super G+ armature installed in the can motor and neodymium traction magnets in it. My thanks to Brad Bowman for some of this information. Photos ©2014 MSWaterlogged. View Schematic.

Short. AFX Racemasters stock # 9888i. Release Date: ~2002. Chassis material: ABS plastic. Traction Magnets: Neodymium. Wheelbase is 1.5" (38.1 mm). This chassis was an improved version of the “racing turbo (RT)” chassis and is referred to as the wide or full body chassis. It includes a can motor and has body mounting tabs attached to the chassis so it can be used with many of the previous bodies with the exception of the formula cars. The presence or absence of these tabs is the difference between the wide and narrow chassis. The SRT chassis was based on the RT chassis but had a Super G+ armature installed in the can motor and neodymium traction magnets in it. My thanks to Brad Bowman for some of this information. Photos ©2014 MSWaterlogged. View Schematic.